Sophos (Unsurprisingly) Recommends Their OS X Antivirus Software

In response to Apple changing its security statement online—that Macs don’t get PC viruses—Sophos U.S. senior technology consultant Graham Cluley had the following statement:

“I view the changes in the messages pushed out by their marketing department as some important baby-steps,” he wrote in a blog entry.

“Let’s hope more Apple Mac owners are also learning to take important security steps — such as installing antivirus protection.”

My favorite phrases are “messages pushed out by their marketing department” and “baby-steps.” Nice way to discredit Apple’s more intense focus on OS X security. But it makes sense why he said that: because Sophos offers OS X antivirus software.

If he wanted me to take him seriously, he should’ve pointed to independent data exposing OS X malware threat levels rather than ridicule Apple’s recent change of focus. Give me data, not back-handed compliments.